Friday, April 24, 2009

Home Cooked Roast Beef Dinner

April 24, 2009 – Day 114

Our supper tonight was inspired by my nephew Shayne's wife, Sandy. Sandy posted a picture on her blog of her roast beef birthday dinner and when I saw it last night, I instantly had a craving for the same (not another birthday, just the food). :-) I went out to do my grocery shopping this morning and picked up the fixings for a roast beef feast and whipped it up for supper tonight. My gravy was a little lumpy but it was delicious just the same and Ken loved the meal too – thanks for the great idea Sandy!


  1. Ok you two (Jewel and Sandy) now I want roast beef too! I guess that I'm going to have to get cooking! :-) Ahhhh, maybe next week when Cheryl's home and I have someone to enjoy it with!
    Beautiful pic Jewel! Making me hungry though!

  2. Nothing like a home cooked meal. That looks great.

  3. Ok, now I want it again! That looks sooo yummy!
