Tuesday, April 28, 2009


April 27, 2009 – Day 117

On February 26, I got in some trouble at work. The security guy from our department “met” with me (interrogated me) around noon and told me the picture I posted in my Facebook album on February 5 was a breach of security, a hard copy of which (photo and journalling) he had in hand. He told me that if he can access my Facebook account, so can the “bad guys”. He asked me many things, including what I was willing to do to rectify the situation. I said I would delete the photo but since we don’t have access to Facebook at work, it would have to wait until I got home at the end of the day. He said he had access to Facebook on a computer in the building he works in across the street and asked if I’d be willing to go over there with him to delete it. I said I would (and I did). When our meeting was coming to an end, he said I could take the afternoon off “on him”. I told him I didn’t want to leave but he said staying wasn’t an option and I wouldn’t be allowed to return until I was cleared by security in Ottawa. He had to escort me off the premises but when we went to my desk to get my things, my team leader, who was then Acting Deputy Director and the Acting Director asked if they could meet with us before I was led away. They were already together because my supervisor had just finished meeting with them to advise them what was happening.

This led to my bad day at work last Thursday (another meeting with management) but the story is long, detailed and rather sensitive to post here, especially considering the trouble I’ve already been in (even though I deleted the “ friend” as soon as I found out who it was that provided materials from my Facebook account) and I blurred out my photo today for the same reason but if you want to know the full story, let me know.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is so unfortunate that you had to endure this. It could have happened to any of us.
