Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eating Clean

January 26, 2010 – Day 26

After having recently watched the documentary Food Inc., the movie Fast Food Nation and doing a lot of research on food, and superfoods in particular, I’ve decided to push my quest for good health up a notch. I have been shocked to learn how many unhealthy things are added to the foods that a lot of people in North America normally consume on a daily basis. Additives, preservatives, artificial flavours, artificial colours, ridiculous amounts of refined sugar, salt, and more. Why do we need all those things added to our food? Most other countries in the world don’t have such things added to their food – and most other countries in the world are healthier than we are!

I had already decided to look for a farmer who will sell us grass-fed beef. I want to buy my chickens and eggs from the Hutterites and find a farmer who sells bison. I want to start going to Farmer’s Markets regularly, buy more organic food, or even just good clean food that doesn’t have a list of ingredients that I can’t even pronounce! And thankfully, Ken is completely on board with me.

Little did I realize that there are already many people that are “into” clean eating! I’m discovering that there are a few people at work that eat this way and there is a lot of information online (all you have to do is google “eating clean” or similar search words) to find a plethora of information, recipes, success stories and so forth.

On Sunday, Christine phoned to tell me of book she found, and bought. The title was “Eat-Clean Diet” by Tosca Reno. It isn’t really a diet really; it’s more of a lifestyle choice based on eating good clean food, stuff that actually does your body some good.

So, today at lunch I went to Coles bookstore in the mall below the office tower I work in to see if they had the book in stock. They did – so I bought it. This may be a variation of the one Christine bought, because they had a couple on the shelf but it’s the same idea and written by the same author. When I went back upstairs, I realized Tosca Reno has also written a couple of cookbooks as well so I went back down to see if they had either stock. They had both in stock – so I bought one. I received a $25 gift certificate to the mall as part of the Christmas gifts my lawyers gave me at Christmas time and I used that towards my purchase – so a wonderful treat from them!
Hard to believe the author once weighed over 200 pounds! I am really excited about my new books and anxious to try some of the delicious-looking, clean-food recipes!


  1. Shayne,

    I am really enjoying adding the superfoods and now omitting even more of the junk! Takes a little more effort to prepare my meals and I'm getting up a little earlier in the morning so I can make, and eat, my oatmeal (with ground flax seeds, oat bran, raisins, cinnamon, raw cane sugar and 1% milk...mmm) before I head out the door for work, but it's so worth it. I'm feeling so great and the food tastes delicious - this is much more like a grand adventure than a chore!

  2. That's awesome that you're stiving to eat healthy, it seems that a lot of people just don't realize what they put into their bodies, and then we all wonder what's going on, why people get so sick and all of the cancers today which were unheard of in the past have now sprung up. I know that it's not from out of thin air. Yes, it is way more convenient to grab something on the go, healthy? Heck no!

    We are such an instant society, we want something and we want it right now but little does everyone realize how we pay for it. All one has to do is look at the statistics regarding health, now if only the government would get their act together and stop penalizing the farmers. I did discuss the "paperwork" with Herb regarding cattle and after he mentioned it, I do remember that all of the cows were tagged. As Herb said, it's just not worth it anymore to raise beef unless it is hobby farming, farming for your own personal gain and not to make money at it. I like the idea of the trade system personally... we'll chat more on Saturday!
