Saturday, January 2, 2010


January 2, 2010 – Day 2

The last of the Christmas ornaments, except for this glass ball from the tree that didn’t make it through the season, are all packed up and put away until next year.


  1. Oh oh, you can still buy decorations at super cheap prices and pack them away for next year. Great photo though!

  2. It was only one and I have way more than enough without buying more. In fact this year I'm giving some of my ornaments (just plain balls) away because I want to keep getting rid of things I really don't need or don't use.

  3. For the first year in a long time Sandy and I weren't interested in picking up anything Christmas on clearance. We got got a few LED lights to replace the old style ones on our multi colored "family" tree but that is about it.

    I think we are really gearing up into baby mode now instead. Well that and we don't really have any more room for anything, our house is plum full of Christmas stuff.
