Sunday, January 31, 2010

Girls Day Out

January 30, 2010 – Day 30

Today was girls day out! My sisters Darlene and Cathy, my niece Michelle and I spent most of the day together.

Our adventure began with a visit to the Old Strathcona Farmer’s Market. I bought a lot of goodies including: 2 dozen free-range brown chicken eggs, organic chicken breasts, ground chicken, ground beef, a few roasts (beef, pork and bison), golden flaxseed, carrots (both fresh and pickled), 2 Jamaican patties, a loaf of fresh homemade multigrain bread, Ukranian buns filled cottage cheese and dill, organic mini spinach and caramelized onion pita breads, homemade tabouli salad and tzaziki.

After unloading our pull cart – and our arms – we walked a few blocks to visit my cousin Shanda at work. Shanda manages Lush, a unique shoppe along Whyte Ave. that specializes in handmade bath and body products. We spent some time in the store – getting hand massages and being shown some of the products. In this photo Shanda is showing us how well the bubble bath foams up! Her job looks more like fun than work to me! I was sold on the strawberry scented bubble bath and also bought a chocolate shower bar and a lemon hand cream. Everything in the store looks and smells “delicious”.

After the fun we had in the store, Shanda came out to lunch with us. We ate at Chianti, also along Whyte Ave. I thoroughly enjoyed my choice for lunch: a whole wheat fettucini dish with sundried tomatoes and peas, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and cracked black pepper.

Shanda had to return to work after lunch but the rest of us stopped at Chapters, where I picked up a book I wanted (and a beginner yoga DVD that caught my eye).

From Chapters, we went to see a matinee at South Common. We didn’t have a movie in mind beforehand but once we got to the theater we chose to see “When in Rome” – a lightheared girlie love story.

It was a wonderfully fun day!

Metis Status Application

January 29, 2010 – Day 29

My sister Cathy (in this photo), her boys and I went to apply for Metis status today. This was our second attempt – our first being in the fall of 2008. Even though Cathy, her oldest son and I had Metis status (and our Metis cards) with us the first time, we learned that we needed our long-form birth certificates and a completed genealogical record dating back to the mid-1800s in order to reapply under the new guidelines (that have been in place for a few years). We had what we needed with us this time and, even though it took us about an hour and a half to fill out the applications and put our genealogical information into a chart, we were successful. The woman who helped us with our application took our photos and said our cards will arrive by mail but she couldn’t give us a time frame within which to expect to receive them.

New Things

January 28, 2010 – Day 28
I bought myself a yoga mat and a couple water bottles today. I plan to continue to do the easy yoga DVD Christine bought me until I have it mastered and then I’ll try the Kathy Smith DVD again. One day I may even get brave enough to join a class! The water bottles are so I can take filtered water to work from home and save money buying bottled water from the stores downstairs when I’m at work.

Beware of Sodium Nitrites

January 27, 2010 – Day 27

I have been buying Olympic bacon by the four-pack for years; I always thought it was the best bacon out there. However, the things I’m learning about what food processors put in some of the items we buy in the grocery stores has been, and continues to be, a real eye opener. I’ve read a lot of information recently that indicates sodium nitrites (and nitrates) are preservatives that may cause cancer. And I have yet to find out what sodium phophates and sodium erythorbates are (also ingredients listed on this package of bacon).

Every person has to decide for himself or herself what to eat or not eat – and whether or not to pay attention to ingredients on the packages of food they purchase but, now that I am becoming aware of these things, I choose to err on the side of caution and switch to healthier choices.

Ken and I both love bacon and I will continue to cook with it on occasion but it won’t be Olympic bacon, or any other brand of bacon that contains preservatives, that I’ll be cooking with. From now on, I will only buy bacon from a local butcher – one that doesn’t add preservatives and additives to the meat!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eating Clean

January 26, 2010 – Day 26

After having recently watched the documentary Food Inc., the movie Fast Food Nation and doing a lot of research on food, and superfoods in particular, I’ve decided to push my quest for good health up a notch. I have been shocked to learn how many unhealthy things are added to the foods that a lot of people in North America normally consume on a daily basis. Additives, preservatives, artificial flavours, artificial colours, ridiculous amounts of refined sugar, salt, and more. Why do we need all those things added to our food? Most other countries in the world don’t have such things added to their food – and most other countries in the world are healthier than we are!

I had already decided to look for a farmer who will sell us grass-fed beef. I want to buy my chickens and eggs from the Hutterites and find a farmer who sells bison. I want to start going to Farmer’s Markets regularly, buy more organic food, or even just good clean food that doesn’t have a list of ingredients that I can’t even pronounce! And thankfully, Ken is completely on board with me.

Little did I realize that there are already many people that are “into” clean eating! I’m discovering that there are a few people at work that eat this way and there is a lot of information online (all you have to do is google “eating clean” or similar search words) to find a plethora of information, recipes, success stories and so forth.

On Sunday, Christine phoned to tell me of book she found, and bought. The title was “Eat-Clean Diet” by Tosca Reno. It isn’t really a diet really; it’s more of a lifestyle choice based on eating good clean food, stuff that actually does your body some good.

So, today at lunch I went to Coles bookstore in the mall below the office tower I work in to see if they had the book in stock. They did – so I bought it. This may be a variation of the one Christine bought, because they had a couple on the shelf but it’s the same idea and written by the same author. When I went back upstairs, I realized Tosca Reno has also written a couple of cookbooks as well so I went back down to see if they had either stock. They had both in stock – so I bought one. I received a $25 gift certificate to the mall as part of the Christmas gifts my lawyers gave me at Christmas time and I used that towards my purchase – so a wonderful treat from them!
Hard to believe the author once weighed over 200 pounds! I am really excited about my new books and anxious to try some of the delicious-looking, clean-food recipes!

Monday, January 25, 2010


January 25, 2010 – Day 25

So this morning I was all gung-ho to try the Kathy Smith yoga DVD that Christine sent me last week. I put it in to play and tried my best to follow the moves; however, I was quickly lost and ended up completely frustrated and angry. It seemed so technical, I was afraid I was doing the moves wrong, my belly was in the way – and it seemed like they were moving through the workout so quickly!

It drives me crazy when I can’t do something even though I’m trying my best, but I also can’t stand giving up and walking away! Thankfully, Christine gave me another yoga DVD when they came down at Christmas time so I gave that one a try. It’s very basic, very simple and slow enough for the ultimate beginner like me to follow along. I managed to get through the entire workout, although I’m still not sure that I did a couple of the moves right. And my belly was still in the way but I did the best I could in spite of it, although thankfully appreciated being in the privacy of my own home! I thought I might take a yoga class but I am rethinking that idea. I don’t think I’m ready to stretch and bend and jiggle awkwardly in front of a room full of strangers!

At the end of the workout I felt energized and wanted to do it over again! I didn’t though. I opted instead for the familiarity of my recumbent stationary bike and rode for 40 minutes this evening - but I am looking forward to doing the easy yoga DVD again soon.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Nice Visit

January 24, 2010 – Day 24

Ken and I were generously treated to brunch today by my cousin Hazel and her significant other, John, who are visiting Edmonton from High Prairie. We went to Bonanza: a close-to-home restaurant that has good food – and plenty of it – to choose from. Ken and I don’t go out to eat very often so it was a very special treat! Thank you again Hazel and John – Ken and I both had a wonderful time!

Hazel is my first cousin once removed (her mom, Gladys, and my grandfather Leo were brother and sister). Hazel and John have been together for about four years but we don’t see them often and today was the first time we met John. I was quite excited to learn that John is a cousin of my dad’s brother-in-law (his sister Gladys' husband), Uncle Maurice!

Parking for Earthlings

January 23, 2010 – Day 23
My son Adam and I went to Organic Planet this afternoon (first visit for both of us). Everything was expensive, as I expected it would be – but well worth the cost if you’re looking for natural, healthy, preservative free items. I took several pictures, both indoors and out, but thought this sign was unique so I chose it for my picture of the day.


January 22, 2010 – Day 22
I am closely monitoring my blood pressure as I continue to wean myself off the water pill I’ve been taking for many years. My reading this morning was 116/80.

Encouraging Results

January 21, 2010 – Day 21

In regard to my eating habits, I feel as though I’ve been wandering aimlessly in a nutrient-poor, processed/fast-food induced brain fog for many years. In the early 90s, my doctor put me on apo-triazide for borderline high blood pressure and I’ve mindlessly popped that water pill for the last 16 – 19 years. I knew, but I didn’t really know, or perhaps I didn’t believe that high blood pressure is most often caused by a poor diet. In any event, I just didn’t “get it”. Now, I’m getting it – and it feels positively wonderful to be waking from my poor-food induced haze. It feels invigorating and refreshing to be making healthy, fresh, delicious food choices for Ken and I!

I started making healthier choices and exercising back in November (minus the Christmas season) and I’m beginning to see some positive results. One of those positive results is that my blood pressure is great! In fact, it’s so great that I started weaning myself off the water pill two weeks ago. I have a blood pressure monitor at home and I’m careful to take my blood pressure reading once or twice a day to be sure all is well as I wean myself off the apo-traizide. And it has been!

I’ve also lost 11 pounds but since I started weaning myself off this pill my weight hasn’t gone down any, even though I continue to eat healthy. I’m sure my weight is at a plateau only because my body is confused and relearning how to process excess fluid on its own. It won’t be much longer – but I’m looking forward to the day when I’m completely free of this medication!

In The Mail Today...

January 20, 2010 – Day 20

When I was 15 years old, I enjoyed doing yoga. I followed along from a book way back then and I haven’t really done it faithfully since. When I spoke with my doctor about my health in December, she thought I would enjoy doing yoga and suggested I either take classes or follow along with a DVD. I mentioned to my daughter that I’d like to try it – so she went out and bought me a yoga DVD, and another exercise video that she enjoys doing. I received them in the mail today and I’m excited to try them. I’ll probably start with the yoga DVD on Friday morning – the first day of my weekend.

Thank you so much Christine!


January 19, 2010 – Day 19

Since taking on the “Superfoods 365” challenge on January 1st, I’ve had no problem meeting my goal of adding five superfoods to my diet each day. I had some difficulty leaving behind the Christmas indulgence mentality during the first few days of January but I still included my five superfoods on those days. Today is the 19th day in to the Superfoods challenge and I’m finding that a wonderful thing is happening – I’m becoming more “aware” of what I’m actually putting into my body with every bite of food I eat. And as I continue to learn more about the benefits of superfoods, I’m finding that I want to include more than five superfoods in my diet each day and some days the majority of the food I eat in a day is a superfood – or at least a healthier choice than I otherwise would have made in the past. I find our movie/snack night on Saturday to be the most difficult time of the week for me, as far as knowing what to serve, because my old familiar snacks are junk but I’ll continue to look for healthier snack ideas.

My cousin Claudette recently sent me a movie called Food Inc. which I watched in fascination and shock and it has inspired me to include more natural foods in my diet as well. My stepdad, Ross, returned a call I made to his wife Marg yesterday; he told me he can get me some chickens and eggs from the Hutterite Colony out by Westlock and he may know someone who sells buffalo from a farm somewhere out that way as well. Come summer, I’ll be looking for farm fresh honey, flax seeds, farm-grown vegetables and fruit from B.C. as well.

I’ve always known that healthy food is good for you, that you can live a longer life if you’re in good health, and enjoy a better quality of life for the years you have, but somehow I just didn’t “get it”. However, something has finally “clicked” and now I know that I’d rather be the healthiest I can be and cure myself (blood pressure, cholesterol) with healthy food rather than synthetic medicines, which only mask the problem.

Although I’m not always as excited about exercise as I am about superfoods, I’m still persuading myself to go for a bike “ride” at least three times a week (although I got lazy over Christmas). Since I started riding my bike again in November, tonight was one of the few times that I actually craved that burst of energy, an exercise “high” that I get when I ride. I rode for 40 minutes, “went” 8.6 kms and burned 536.4 calories.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Aloo Gobi Masala

January 18, 2010 – Day 18

I tried two new healthy recipes today. Ken and I thought they were both excellent but this one was my favourite. It may not look like much but I would rate this dish, Aloo Gobi Masala, a 10 out of 10! It’s time consuming to prepare the vegetables and measure out the spices in advance but well worth the effort. The recipe (including video clip instructions) is here: Ken and I don’t like a lot of ginger so I only used ¼ teaspoon of minced ginger from a jar. I scrubbed my potatoes but didn’t peel them and I added one extra potato because my potatoes were a little small - and also because I love potatoes. :-)

Ethnic Food Store

January 17, 2010 – Day 17

Ken and I both love East Indian food and since I’m looking for healthier recipes to try, I’ve decided to learn how to make more Indian food dishes since many of the recipes are both delicious and nutritious. Earlier this week I found a great website that has several wonderful recipes – and short video clips to show how each recipe is made.
I printed out a couple of the recipes I want to try and made a list of vegetables and spices I would need. I went to Superstore today and found most of the ingredients. Although they have a good selection of East Indian spices, I was unable to find asafoetida powder. I asked an East Indian woman shopping for spices in the ethnic food section if she’s familiar with that spice. She said she knows it and took the time to help me look for it. She couldn’t find it either but we had a very nice chat. She asked what I was making and I told her that I need the spice for a spiced potato and cauliflower dish but I couldn’t remember the proper name of it at the time (it’s Aloo Gobi Masala). I told her how my husband and I love Indian food, mentioned the website I discovered and and how the website has videos to help take the mystery out of trying these new recipes. She seemed very interested and continued chatting with me so I also told her of the other dishes I’ve tried recently: a dish with peas, tomatoes and and paneer (I couldn’t remember the name of it at the time either but it’s “Matar Panir”) and Red Lentil Curry, which is “Daal”.

As we continued chatting, the woman told me there is an East Indian store on 144 Avenue. She couldn’t remember the street but gave me a few visual clues to help me find it. She said “he” would have the asafoetida powder. I had no idea there was an Indian store on the north side (within my driving comfort zone!) so I was thrilled with this new information! When I left Superstore, I drove right over to the store she recommended. I stopped at two wrong small strip malls on my way but I eventually found the right strip mall – and the store!

The moment I set foot inside I felt as though I had been transported to a foreign country. My senses were immersed with the heady smell of curry intermingled with incense, Indian music playing over the store intercom, shelves lined and crowded with every spice imaginable (and unimaginable), lentils, beans, rice, oils of all sorts, and so much more. Refrigerators were filled with paneer, roti, and many items I don't yet recognize. Adjacent to the food section of the store, through a narrow doorway, was the second part of the store. The walls were lined with silky fabric in every color of the rainbow and all shades between. I’m assuming the gorgeous fabric is mainly for saris.

I let the owner know that I loved his store and asked if he would allow me to take pictures. I felt honored to be allowed to do so – and now I know exactly where to go when I need more of the spices, lentils, oils, etc. to cook the East Indian dishes that are on my “to try” list!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Workin' Man

January 16, 2010 – Day 16

Ken has been putting quite a few hours of work into finishing the basement lately. He cuts wood he needs in the garage and when I went into the garage to get something this afternoon, I saw this “display” of tools and wood. Of course I thought it would make a cool picture! I didn’t rearrange anything but tried lighting this a few different ways; this was my favourite.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Hospital Visit

January 15, 2010 – Day 15

My sister Darlene and I went to visit my cousins Valerie and Lauretta at the hospital today. Val is recovering from major surgery and considering it’s only been a few days, I was pleasantly surprised to see her looking well and in good spirits. I don’t see Val and Lauretta often but they are wonderful, down-to-earth people and when we get together we simply pick up where we left off. I absolutely enjoyed our time together and there’s no better way I could have spent the afternoon than visiting with them.

My prayers will continue to be with you for a full recovery Val.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The New Take Out

January 14, 2010 – Day 14

Once in a while I like to go to the food court downstairs from the tower I work in and treat myself to “take out” for lunch; however, I’m committed to eating superfoods everyday and overall I’m trying to make healthier choices – so there are few options when it comes to finding a place that serves anything healthy.

The Canadian Soup and Sandwich Company is one of the few restaurants that has some wonderfully healthy lunch ideas. I love their vegetarian sandwich with a slice of Swiss cheese and light brush of mayo and mustard on multigrain bread. I pay $5.13 for this sandwich but I think it’s worth it with all those fresh veggies and no guilt attached – and I feel like I’ve had a treat!

A Whole Lot of Fun!

January 13, 2010 – Day 13

Our office is competing with the other Department of Justice offices in the Prairie Region in a fitness challenge this week. Events are coordinated over our lunch to encourage people to participate in getting active. Today the activity was a scavenger hunt. Three coworker friends and I formed a team. We had 30 minutes to go out and get information and items from a list. We had to walk fast and jog to get everything done within the half hour and even so, we were four minutes late returning to our designated spot back at the office. But we had a blast!! And we won! The prize is a $5 gift certificate to Tim Hortons each (and we are encouraged to spend it on something like a low fat muffin). :-)

The information we needed here was the name of the clock tower in Churhill Square and the year it was built. I didn’t know the name of the clock tower before today but it’s “Friendship Tower” and I think it was built in 1992 (will have to confirm that with one of the other girls who wrote down the information though). We also needed a picture of some of the members of the group at this location.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bubble Bath

January 12, 2010 – Day 12

I usually take showers rather than baths but tonight I was in the mood for a hot bubble bath. I started reading a new book yesterday – one that Ashley bought me for Christmas, so it was a nice to soak, relax and read.


January 11, 2010 – Day 11

I think saffron is likely the most expensive spice in the world. I buy a bottle of it once or twice a year because Ken and I both love Saffron Rice (I use Basmati rice to make it) – and we have also enjoyed my attempts at other East Indian dishes that I make to go along with the rice. I opened a new jar of saffron tonight and this is the amount you get for about $14.00. The saffron is wrapped and folded in one cellophane kind of envelope inside another paper envelope that is tightly sealed, which are both folded up and sealed in the jar. You’d almost think it was illegal! :-)

To accompany my Saffron Rice tonight was my first ever, and so delicious, attempt at daal. I found the recipe on youtube. Yes, you can find pretty much anything on youtube! The recipe is called Red Lentil Curry and you can find it here:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ten Years

January 10, 2010 – Day 10

It was ten years ago this month that I began working in the legal field. In January of 2000, I was hired on at Wilson & Hurlburt, a small law firm with three lawyers and one other assistant. The senior partner’s wife, Donna, would come to the office to do the books once or twice a week. Donna was also selling Creative Memories supplies at the time – and introduced me to scrapbooking!

I was at Wilson & Hurlburt until the firm dissolved in July 2001. From there I went to Emery Jameson but I left that firm after a few weeks. Then, through a temping agency, I was hired at Bryan & Company, a large firm with approximately 80 lawyers, and mostly enjoyed my work at that firm. Although I was offered full-time employment when my temping assignment was complete, I didn’t accept because I was going through the process of (hopefully) being hired on with the federal Department of Justice. It worked out as I had hoped and I was began working for Justice on June 3, 2002.

I kept this denim shirt I received while at Wilson & Hurlburt as a memento of my time there. I don’t remember what the occasion was but all employees of the firm got the same shirt. I had a good time and learned a lot while working with Wilson & Hurlburt. I haven’t completely lost touch with a couple of the people I worked with there. Donna Wilson is a friend of mine on Facebook and I run into Kate Hurlburt once in a while on my way to work or in a food court downtown; she’s now a partner with Emery Jameson.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Reading and Riding

January 9, 2010 – Day 9

I rode my bike for 40 minutes today, “went” 8.9 kms and burned 459.9 calories. An excellent way to make the ride enjoyable is to have a good book to read. Redeeming Love is a book I borrowed from Christine – it’s an absolutely wonderful love story!

After many years of not reading often and only reading true stories when I did read, I am enjoying novels again.

Friday, January 8, 2010


January 8, 2010 – Day 8

I’m feeling great about adding superfoods to my diet everyday! This was my lunch today – along with an orange and a cup of green tea. It was delicious!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Commissioner For Oaths

January 7, 2010 – Day 7

I’ve been a Commissioner for Oaths in and for the Province of Alberta for 9 or 10 years. I did the exam with one of the lawyers I worked for when I was working at Wilson & Hurlburt in 2000 or 2001.

Commissions expire, and have to be renewed, every three years (it wasn’t always three years but I forget what it used to be). I could get my commission renewed through work but I want to be able to use it for purposes outside work if necessary so I pay for my own renewals.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Undecorating the Office

January 6, 2010 – Day 6

We took down the office Christmas decorations at work this morning. Two members on our team (Sherri and Dale) are Ukrainians and will leave their personal offices decorated until Friday.


January 5, 2010 – Day 5

The calendars I like generally cost about $22.00. I don’t like to pay that much money for a calendar so I never buy my new one until the first or second week in January when I can get one at half price. I’ve even waited until the third week in January to get my calendar at 75% off but by then the selection is well picked over. I found one at Calendar Club in the City Center Mall today that I love and it was half price; I bought it because I didn’t want to risk it being sold out by the third week in January.

The packrat part of me wants to keep the 2009 calendar because I love the pictures – and I’ve done that in the past. I’ve packed many beautiful old calendars into boxes never to be seen again. The rational part of me that wants to declutter this year wins – the old calendar is in the recycle bag!

Monday, January 4, 2010


January 4, 2010 – Day 4

I thought I noticed fewer rabbits in the neighbourhood lately – they’re selling them at Save On Foods! Just kidding – we still have plenty of rabbits in the neighbourhood :-) but I was surprised to see rabbits for sale in the store today when I went out to buy some fresh “superfoods”.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My New Pen

January 3, 2010 – Day 3

I absolutely love my new metallic purple pen. It was the one purchase I made at regular price on Boxing Day but it was only $5.99 so I’m glad I bought it even though it wasn’t on sale. I love the shape of it and the thickness to it. I love that it is personalized. The only thing I don’t like about it is that the ink is black. I’m hoping I can find a new refill for it that has blue ink, maybe a pretty steel blue.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


January 2, 2010 – Day 2

The last of the Christmas ornaments, except for this glass ball from the tree that didn’t make it through the season, are all packed up and put away until next year.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year/New Projects

January 1, 2010 – Day 1

I’ve decided to do Project 365 for another year! I must admit that it’s rather intimidating to be right back at “Day 1” but I’ve had a lot of fun with this project in 2009 and I’m not ready to quit. I’m excited that my sister Darlene is going to do P365 for another year as well and that my sister Cathy is going to join us in this adventure this year! I’m also excited to have 2 coworkers joining me in P365 this year!

Today is the also the beginning of a new project I’ve come up with in an attempt to get healthier this year. I've named it "Superfoods 365".

Dr. Steven Pratt and Dr. Oz have lists of nutrient-dense food they call “superfoods” and I compiled a list to use based mainly on their recommendations; however, a few of the items on my list come from other sources. Without making any other changes to my diet, I'm planning to add 5 superfoods per day. I can have as many more superfoods as I want on any given day - but not less.

A few family members and coworkers are going to join me in this project but I've suggested to each that the number of superfoods a person chooses to add to their diet each day should be a personal thing. The number should be high enough to be a bit of a challenge but low enough to be realistic to stick to for an entire year. If you already eat 3 or 4 superfoods each day, 5 won't be much of a challenge, but if you're like me and eat little or no superfoods on most days, I'm thinking 5 will be enough of a challenge. If I follow this through, I'm thinking that I may choose to do 7 next year, but now, in my excitement, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I will choose (and record my choices (not weights or measurements) in this journal that I bought and “decorated” for my project) any 5 each day from this list of superfoods:


green tea, water, red wine

artichokes, asparagus, avocado, beans (string), beets, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cabbage (red), cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chives, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green beans, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, okra, onions, peas, peppers, peppers (hot), radishes, radishes (daikon), rhubarb, sauerkraut, scallions, soy, spinach, squash, sweet potato, tomatoes, turnips

acai, apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, honeydew, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, pomegranates, prunes, pineapple, pumpkin, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, watermelon

cod, crabs, eggs, flounder, lobster, salmon (wild), sardines turkey

barley, beans, buckwheat, lentils, nuts, oats, quinoa, seeds, spelt, walnuts

black pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, honey, horseradish, olives, olive oil (extra virgin, "cold pressed"), oregano, kefir, parsley, sea salt, turmeric, yogurt

irish moss, miso, sea vegetables, seaweed, umeboshi plums, wheat grass

dark chocolates