Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Have a Gift for the Party Now!

December 2, 2009 – Day 336

Yahoo and hooray! I have a gift for the family Christmas party I’m going to on Saturday!

In the lunchroom at work today I spoke of the difficulty I’ve been having thinking of a gift to buy for the party. A coworker friend made a suggestion that I thought was perfect so I went out for a quick afternoon break to pick one up (thank you Laura)! I can’t show you or tell you what it is though because family members that will be at the party on Saturday visit my blog!

We each bring an anonymous gift; they are all placed in a pile and we draw numbers to pick a gift. The person who picked the number 1 begins by choosing a gift from the pile and opens it. Number 2 then chooses a gift. He or she will open it and either keep it or trade gifts with number 1. Number 3 opens a gift from the pile and either keeps the gift or exchanges with number 1 or 2 and so on. At the very end of the game, number 1 gets a chance to either keep his or her gift or trade with anyone in the room. I think it’s called a Chinese Gift Exchange – and it is so much FUN! I can’t wait! :-)


  1. Colloidal Silver – Supplement for Good Health

    Colloidal silver products are liquids that contain minute silver particles, the same type of silver that is used in jewelry and traditional dental filings. They are dietary supplements taken orally to assist in the treatment of many conditions, from Morgellons and Lyme disease to water purification and food poisoning. Toxins are ingested every day, from the food and beverages we ingest to the air we breathe. Many food products have been treated with chemicals that genetically alter them from their natural state. Our bodies do not know how to digest these chemicals. As a result, we may feel tired and run down.

    In more serious cases we get very ill, with unusually high body temperatures and the inability to keep food in our stomachs. Colloidal silver products have been developed to reach every area of the body to destroy the toxins hiding there, such as bacteria, viruses and any other single celled pathogen. This is done without harm to the naturally occurring enzymes and other chemicals that are essential to maintaining balanced body chemistry. As a result, energy levels increase and we are able to concentrate better. When our immune system is given a boost, we live healthier, more active lives.

    Silver has been used as an antiseptic and disinfectant for decades. It kills bacteria in wounds and is used in dressings to treat eternal infections. Colloidal silver is developed using the latest technologies to purify the silver making it safe for internal use. The key to the potency and effectiveness of the product lies in the size of the particles. There are many products that enable users to manufacture similar products at home. However, the dosage and manufacturing instructions are frequently not followed. This causes more harm than good. With so much potential risk, most users choose to purchase products that are certified for zero toxicity.

    There are many non-palatable pathogens in drinking water in much of the world. In developing countries, colloidal silver is used to clean the water for drinking and for rinsing fresh fruits and vegetables. Many backpackers and international travelers carry this type of product to ensure their water is safe to drink, no matter where they are. These products are odorless and tasteless, and have no proven adverse reactions with medications. When used consistently, it may help improve digestion, and prevent colds. For more information on the benefits of using NutraSilver, visit our web site at

  2. I was so relieved when we got our gifts as well. I can't wait to see what is in this box!

  3. lol I think CareMan posted on the wrong page!

    Well now I know which one you brought. Looking forward to seeing what it is tomorrow!
