Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Colloidal Silver

December 1, 2009 – Day 335

Last week it looked like Little Bear’s ear infection was coming back; he was beginning to scratch and shake his head again. Rather than go back to the vet and pay at least another $183 for treatment, I thought I’d see if the health food store had anything that might help. The woman who helped me said that this is product, colloidal silver, is their best selling product. She said farmers come in and buy it all the time for their animals. And not only farmers but all kinds of people buy it – for all sorts of things. She told me about a time that her contact lens tore and scratched her eyeball. She put drops of this colloidal silver in her eye and it healed up before her doctor’s appointment rolled around. She also mentioned other uses for the product and I did some online research of my own. Although it doesn’t appear to be popular amongst the mainstream traditional health system, it seems like an amazing product – if it does even half of what people claim it does! Why haven’t I heard about colloidal silver before? Actually, I might have heard of it when I had post nasal drip that lasted for ten months (Dec 2007 - October 2008) and I was desperately looking for something to help me but I think a negative report I read about colloidal silver scared me off before I gave it a chance.

I’m curious to know if any of you have heard of colloidal silver. Do you use it? Or does someone you know use it? And if so, what do you (or they) use it for and do you (or they) have a success story?

It definitely seems to be helping Little Bear’s ears and it only cost $17 and change!

About halfway down this page there's a list of uses for colloidal silver (for both pets and people). Says it's good for things like clearing up diaper rash, acne, strep throat, cleaning cutting boards...and lots more.


  1. Wow, I have never heard of this before. The list just goes on and on! I would be interested to know if it works for Little Bear.

  2. I have never heard of this before either, I'll keep it in mind though next time I have something that ails me.
