Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Music

December 20, 2009 – Day 354

Adam came over for a visit today and brought one of his guitars with him. He was practicing some Christmas songs that he and Michael are learning.

I used to want to learn how to play the guitar and even took lessons but it just never “clicked” for me but I’m thrilled that Adam, Michael and my granddaughter Ashley play. I love guitar music and Adam did a great job of the Christmas songs he was playing today.


  1. I love the sound of guitar being played. There is something so soothing about it. I'll have to hear them play one of these days.

  2. That's a much better photo of Adam! lol

  3. I wish that I had learned as well. My Dad taught me a little when I was younger, but I just never put the effort in. It would be nice to hear them play one time.
