Wednesday, September 2, 2009


September 2, 2009 – Day 245

The bus ride home after work today was almost unbearable. Even though every window of the bus was open, they’re so small and so high above the seats that not much of a breeze flows into the bus. On top of the 29 degree outdoor temperature, the body heat of approximately 50 people packed together like sardines in a tin can pushed the temperature even higher. It felt like it was 40 degrees on the bus. In addition to the extreme heat, we were caught behind an unusually heavy flow of traffic out of the downtown core; heavy traffic that continued for about half the ride home. Thankfully, my friend Jen was on the bus and chatting helped to pass the time but when she made a comment about just how hot it was and just how slow we were crawling along, I almost wanted to panic! :-) It seemed to take forever to get home and my regular 45 minute bus ride home was an hour long. It felt wonderful to finally walk through the front door - even if it was 15 minutes later than usual.

And tomorrow is going to be another hot one!


  1. Nice picture of your clock! I love that clock you have and it's too bad that the bus was going so slow in this heat. I thought it was supposed to rain tomorrow, that's what Terry was saying. At least we get to stay in air conditioning all day, Ter is out on that high rise working in this heat!

  2. They should get A/C on the bus. C'mon it's the 21st century! I like your clock as well, we have one that looks almost exactly the same.

  3. Gosh I don't envy you on this day! I would not have been able to stand it as I really don't like the heat!
