Thursday, September 3, 2009


September 3, 2009 – Day 246

It got up to 32 degrees today but thankfully I didn’t have to endure the stifling hot bus ride home at the end of my work day. Jen drove today - and offered me a ride, which I gladly accepted! Riding home in her air conditioned car was awesome!

We were about 10 minutes out of the downtown core when, right in front of us, the police stopped a truck and immediately handcuffed the two men and one woman that were in the vehicle. The arrest took place in a traffic circle during bumper-to bumper rush hour traffic.


  1. Woah, good photo! What timing for you and your camera, now I`m curious as to what they were arrested for!

    And yes, thank God for air conditioning, it sure was nice driving around today with the air conditioning on! Especially out to the farm, I can`t even imagine the drive without it!

  2. It looks like something out of a movie. Liquor store in the background and everything.

  3. I remember when I was young my parents did not want to use the car air conditioning because they were convinced that it made you sick. I don't know how we ever lived without it!

    God thing that your camera is always close, great picture!
