Monday, September 7, 2009

Big Brother

September 7, 2009 – Day 250

I spend my free time on the computer so I generally don’t watch any TV; however, I took an interest in Big Brother this summer. Ken and I have been watching it together and when we went to watch it last night, we were disappointed to discover that it wasn’t on! I don’t know if it was on earlier than we expected or if it was bumped for another show – do they do that sometimes?

Ken was on his computer this afternoon and found the episode we missed last night on YouTube so we were able to watch it! Ken and I were both hoping Jeff would win the game but he went home last week. Of the four remaining contestants, we are both hoping that Jordan (pictured here) will win.


  1. Awesome idea! I love our technology today, a person can generally find out anything that they want and catch up on shows they've missed such as you have!

  2. I'm not typically a "reality" TV fan, but me and Sandy watch Big Brother every year. The only other one I watch is Hells Kitchen. We've been watching Big Brother since season 2, hard to believe that was 10 years ago now!

    I don't know why but I've been rooting for the "bad side" of the house this year. I hope Kevin wins. I was really mad when Jeff got that power for no reason (other than he's good looking and popular) and got Jessie out. Oh well, pay back is a you know what ;)

    We record most of our TV on the PVR though and don't watch it live. That way we can fast forward through the commericals. The bad part is occasionally hearing from someone else what happened. No worries though, we are caught up on it at this point.

  3. I was so disappointed that Jeff got voted out. I was hoping that he would win the game as well. I hope that he at least wins the $25,000.00 fan favorite prize. I really do not know who I want to win now as long is it is NOT Natalie.

  4. You hope Kevin wins Shayne?! Oh no! I don't think it's not going to happen though - because whether he's up against Natalie or Jordan next week, I think that either of them will get more votes from the jury house than he will.

    Sandy, I hope Jeff wins the money too!

    We spend our money on computer things, camera things and vet bills :-), not so much on tv things so we're way back in the boonies (mostly because we don't watch much tv).

    Once Ken has the basement finished though, I won't be surprised if he'll want a big screen tv - and then cable or satellite to follow. For now though, I'm happy the way things are, although now that I think of it - it would be awesome to watch Big Brother on a big screen tv...and the Lord of the Rings trilogy Michael bought me would be amazing on a big screen! :-)
