Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Four Years Ago Today

September 16, 2009 – Day 259

Four years ago today, our realtor (Frank) gave us the keys to our new home. Ken was at work but I took the day off and met Frank at the new place around noon. Before returning to the rental house to continue packing, I spent some time wandering through and enjoying the house, even though it was empty and hollow sounding. We brought a few things over that night, including our bed and Little Bear and only returned to the old house to pack, move out and clean up.

A couple weeks later we met with the landlord to do a walk through and hand in our keys, closing the door to that chapter in our lives.


  1. Wicked photo! (In a positive sense!) Four years already, unreal... time just flies right by.

    I have to thank you once again Jewel for being there for me four years ago, you had so much going on in your life at that time and you so selflessly gave me so much of your time. There are no words which can express my true gratitude. I love you and will always treasure the time you made for me.

    Your house is truly a home, it's not just anybody's house I can go to and ask to borrow a bed for a few hours! :-)

  2. I'm so happy for you guys that you found the house you always wanted. We've been in our house about the same amount of time and it is amazing how long ago that was.
