Monday, September 28, 2009

New Shoes

September 26, 2009 – Day 269

I went shoe shopping yesterday. I’m usually lucky if I find one pair that I like in my size but I found 3 pairs to buy! You can tell by the picture that my shoe style is: basic black, tie-up, flats. My favorite store to buy shoes is Naturalizer; the shoes are good quality and they specialize in wide widths, which I need and which can’t be found just anywhere. Naturalizer has a store in Londonderry mall and that’s where I go. The shoes are a bit pricey so I prefer to go when there’s a sale. Some of the shoes were already on sale, plus there was a sale for 25% off the second pair and I also had a coupon (that came in the mail) worth 25% off my entire purchase! Between the two deals, I’m sure I saved at least $100 on my new shoes.


  1. Gotta love good deals, I know I sure do.

  2. What a great deal! It sure pays off to wait for the sales and use coupons.
