Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Special Package

October 6, 2009 – Day 279

I received an Express Post parcel in the mail from Travis today. It was a package of homemade moose meat jerky that he learned to make in a smoker he bought this summer. The jerky is delicious; Ken likes it so much that he wants a smoker now. :-)

There was a little note included that said, “We love you and miss you”, and something about sharing a few pieces with Adam... Now if only I could remember who Adam is. Just kidding Travis, we’ll save some to share.

Owen drew a little bird and a cross on the side of the package and either his mom or dad labelled them and added, “Owen’s picts to Grandma”. That makes the parcel packaging extra special to me – and I can’t bear to throw it away!


  1. Awww so cute, you will have to keep that package forever now!

    That would be delicious to have some moose jerky, who's the hunter? Does Travis hunt?

  2. No, Travis doesn't hunt, Amanda's family does. Not sure if her dad still does but her uncles (and maybe brothers) do.

  3. I have never tried moose jerky but it sounds delicious!
