Saturday, October 10, 2009


October 10, 2009 – Day 283

Ken took Little Bear’s bandages off last night and put a t-shirt on him for the night (that’s what the vet recommended - to absorb some of the ooze that seeps out of the drainage tube). I took this picture after Ken and I cleaned Little Bear’s wound this morning and before Ken put a clean t-shirt on him. I think the incision is looking clean and healing well. We still have to keep Little Bear as inactive as possible for another couple weeks though.

We have an appointment on Wednesday for a checkup and if all is going according to plan, they will remove the drainage tube at that time. If all continues to go according to plan after the drainage tube is removed, Little Bear’s stitches will come out in about 12 days.


  1. Awwwwwwwww poor guy! At least everything looks to be going according to plan. I'm sure he'll be up and back to regular before you know it.

  2. He looks so he still in alot of pain?

  3. He doesn't seem to be in pain but he's been on pain killers. His last one is tomorrow morning so I hope he's going to be okay after that. I'm thinking he will be but the vet said if the area seems tender or sensitive, we can go back for more. I don't want him getting addicted though. :-)
