Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

October 11, 2009 – Day 284

Our original plan for Thanksgiving was to go to Cold Lake and spend it with Christine and her family; however, those plans changed once we knew Little Bear’s surgery was scheduled for October 8th. Adam stuck to the plan and went to Cold Lake but Michael and Kristy were available to come and enjoy a casual turkey dinner with us. We watched a couple movies and they spent the night in the guest room rather than travel home on the slippery roads (it’s been snowing off and on since October 8th).


  1. Yummm, turkey looks delicious! Another great photo Jewel, and that's awesome that Ken carves the turkey! Herb just lets the turkeys eat my flowers and puts them in the deep freeze, rest is up to me! lol

  2. Nothing like a hot turkey dinner on a cold day. Lucky us, Sandy and I had two turkey dinners this weekend! :)

  3. That's nice that Michael and Kristy came over, it is always good to spend the holidays with family.
