Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just Looking

I’m not a girlie girl. I don’t have a purse to match every outfit; in fact, I don’t have a purse to match any outfit. I have one basic black purse that goes with everything and anything. However, my basic black purse is getting a little old and worn and I could use a new one – a larger purse, one with plenty of room for my new little camera!

When I went on my break this afternoon, I did a little browsing. There were a couple larger purses that I liked but going from a mid-size purse to a large one is a big change for me and I always find change difficult, even if it’s only a purse! I’m only 5’ ½” tall, I don’t want a purse that will drag on the ground when I carry it and I don’t want to look like an old lady with a big old bag!

I wish Christine was here to help me decide; she always has good advice for me.


  1. I so hear you Julie, I've checked a bunch of purse stores with no luck, I too don't want an "old ladies" look with a huge old bag and a clutch purse? No way.. that's for when I am an old lady!
    I do love this picture though, now I want to go shopping and find me that new purse that is somewhere out here in this city waiting for me to put all of my treasures that I carry daily in it!
    Good luck in finding a purse, please post a picture here when you do, I'd love to see what you decide on!

  2. I am very picky as well when it comes to purses...I will shop and shop until I find the perfect one! Great pic idea
