Monday, January 26, 2009

The Big Day

Today was the big day for Little Bear. He had surgery to have his abscessed tooth removed this morning. I stressed about it all day and could hardly think of anything else. I phoned the animal hospital around 1:20. The surgeon and technicians were out for lunch but the receptionist went to check on Little Bear for me. She said it looked like he’d gone through surgery fine, he looked good and he was up and about.

I thought Little Bear’s face would be terribly swollen but it looks no worse than when we took him in - just a little bump on his cheek. He can only eat soft foods (we have to add water to his dog food) for two weeks and he’ll still be on antibiotics for another week. We have to take him back for a routine check-up on February 6th. The cost of surgery today was $679.89.

When we got home, Little Bear wanted to go outside, wanted to eat and wanted to drink. After he had those needs taken care of, he’s been very quiet. I think he’s stoned because he’s not quite himself, he's a little nervous and jittery, sleeping heavy but with his eyes half open (which is spooky) but I’m sure that’ll wear off soon enough.

My picture today is one that the vet-surgeon gave us when we met with him today. It’s the inside of Little Bear’s mouth showing his missing tooth. He has stitches in there but they’ll dissolve.


  1. Ouch, poor little bear. Glad to hear everything turned out okay.

    Even though it was less than the 1k you thought it might be, wow still an expensive vet bill!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The 1K+ included cleaning...which we mainly didn't get because the vet couldn't guarantee the cleaning would help to eliminate future dental problems. Our last visit, on the 19th (re: the tooth was $240.53 so it was almost $1K total...$920.42 including yesterday's bill). Guess we'll just pay this again if he gets another bad tooth - or something else. Hopefully nothing else since we just spent about $700 to have a growth on his leg removed last July.

  4. I have often thought about getting that pet health insurance. I would pay just about anything to have Tucker fixed of whatever problem he had. I am happy to hear that Little Bear is ok.
