Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wonderful Step Parents

February 2, 2010 – Day 33

Once my stepdad (Ross) knew I wanted some chickens and eggs from the Hutterites, he went right to work to get me some! A couple weeks ago, Ross contacted a guy he used to buy eggs from (years ago) at the colony outside Westlock and they arranged to have some ready for him to pick up today. Ross and his wife Marg drove out to the colony, picked up the chickens and eggs and brought them to me this afternoon! While they were visiting, I took this picture of them. What a wonderful family I have!

My sister Darlene, Marg and a couple of her kids decided to buy some chickens and eggs as well when they heard Ross was going to pick some up. In total he bought 20 chickens and 15 dozen eggs. I took 5 of the chickens and 3 dozen eggs. I’m so excited to cook a chicken on my next day off!

An interesting thing Ross told me was the guy he bought the chickens from told him that he has an order from a doctor in the city for 150 chickens. Ross asked him what a doctor does with so many chickens. The guy said he sells them to his patients - says he believes the meat is that much better than store bought that he goes to this effort on a regular basis for his patients!


  1. What a great picture of them, they look so happy. The fresh eggs and chicken sound great.
