Thursday, February 11, 2010

Edmonton's Art Gallery

February 11, 2010 – Day 42

On April 30, 2009, my picture of the day was of Edmonton’s Art Gallery which was under construction at that time. The work is complete and the Art Gallery opened to the public on January 31st.


  1. This has to be by far one of the cities largest eyesores I have ever seen. What were they thinking? Now they are talking about spending one BILLION dollars on a new coliseum at the taxpayers expense. I don't understand this city at all, there are hundreds of homeless, starving people who live here in our city and now the Federal budget is cutting back on assisting those in need. Sorry... ranting here.

    I like your photo, it's the budget and the city wasting money that has me irritated!

  2. I think the art gallery looks awesome. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 88 million seems a bit steep though.

    I'm also for the new arena. If the city owns it, the money the city will make in taxes over the years will more than make up for it.

    Time for this city to look forward rather than being stuck behind the times and in the past. It's sad how far behind our city is compared to most other cities with a population of over a million. We are a couple of decades behind Calgary in infrastructure (roads and public transit) for example. I think we need to get over the whole blue collar mentality as well.

    It wasn't a billion dollars at the taxpayers expense either. Katz proposal was for the city to spend $400 million on the arena (which they would then own) and for private companies to spend a billion dollars on the surrounding projects (such as hotel, office towers, housing, casino, etc).
