Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring is Coming

February 21, 2009 - Day 52

It looks like spring just might be on its way – the view from our bonus room window is so much more promising than it was last month!

Our neighbours straight across from us must either really like their outdoor Christmas decorations, or really didn’t want Christmas to be over – because their decorations (2 wreaths on their garage lights plus 2 white light-up trees decorated with balls) are still up! :-)

I plan to take a picture out this window at least once/month during P365 so this is “it” for February.


  1. What a great idea Jewel, we get to see the seasons change through your lens and I'll get to see if the neighbors ever do take down their decorations! :-)

  2. I heard something about -26C for a low this coming Thursday, so much for spring :(

    That is a great idea for sure. Me or Sandy may steal the idea!

    I guess this is a good reminder I should get around to taking down my decorations. Half of them are pretty frozen in but there are some I could take down I suppose. Guess I'm being just procrastinating. It's so much more fun to put up than to take down!

  3. Use any of my ideas you want Shayne! I'm going to use some other people's ideas as well, like your mom's idea of the price of gas - I want that in my album too. :-)

  4. BRRRRRRRRRR! It's freezing outside, where is this spring you promised us!?! ;)

    It's so cold they sent all the workers outside home early. No point when you can't stay outside longer than 10 minutes without your face freezing off. Although it's much colder out here in the boonies than in the city. This morning with windchill it was below -40 C.
