Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Public Transportation

Day 41

When I get on the bus downtown at the end of the day, it’s packed so full that several riders have to stand, but since I get off on the last stop on the route the bus is pretty much empty by the time I get home. Sometimes I’m the only one to get off at our stop; sometimes there up to 3 or 4 others. I get on the bus at 4:15 and arrive home right around 5:00.

But since we’re the first stop in the morning I get my choice of seats (I have a favourite one though and always choose it). I also move to it as soon as it’s available when people begin to get off at their stops along the ride home. It’s the seat I’m sitting in here when I took the picture – the first one on the upper level (to the right as you’re getting on, to the left if you’re seated and facing the front of the bus).


  1. I always had a favorite seat as well. You should try snapping a shot while the bus is packed. I bet you'll get some strange looks, but so what? :)

  2. AJ, this was my favorite seat as well!!
