Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Collect Cookbooks

February 22, 2009 – Day 53

Every book on this shelf in our basement is a cookbook and comprises the better part of my collection. In addition to this shelf, I have a deep pantry shelf filled with many more cookbooks, including most of the Company’s Coming series which are some of my favourites. It took about 30 years of collecting (stores, gifts, book clubs, garage sales and flea markets) to accumulate this many cookbooks but I rarely buy one anymore because I really have more than enough. I sold several cookbooks in a garage sale we had in 2006 and gave away about 3 boxes full after the garage sale. I want to give more away – it’s just hard knowing which ones I can bear to part with. :-)


  1. I never realized that you had so many cookbooks! Quite the collection you have and no wonder you don't like moving! Just the cookbooks alone would weigh a ton and take one truckload, with the shelf of course! What a nice organized basement you have!

  2. The shelves in my basement are nicely organized (I have 7 or 8 shelves full of a variety of things) - but you should see the rest of the basement...organized it is not. lol

    I'd like to set my photo lights up but I have to get rid of a lot of things first to have room to do that.

  3. Holy cook books batman! At least cookbooks are useful, I seem to collect junk! ;)

    Although I started collecting old school NES games a few years back, I enjoyed that. I wonder where the heck they all are. Somewhere burried in the basement I'm sure.

  4. Oh my that is alot of cookbooks! I have a small drawer full!! This shelf looks like it is our of a magazine. Very nice pic.
