Saturday, July 4, 2009

An Unexpected Turn of Events

July 3, 2009 – Day 184

When Ian arrived with Ashley on Tuesday, June 30th, his plan was to meet his ex wife in Jasper on Wednesday, July 1st to pick up his kids for their summer visit. He left Edmonton as planned, but his van broke down about an hour and a half outside the city.

Adam drove out to rescue Ian and his kids and bring them back to Edmonton; Ian had to pay $222.07 to have the van towed to the nearest town (Edson).

On Thursday, July 2nd, the garage in Edson called Ian with the result of their inspection. The engine would need to be completely replaced, at a cost of $5,000 - $6,000! Ian and Christine decided to buy another van rather than pay to have it repaired.

Ian went out Thursday afternoon to look at vans; he took a couple out for a test drive – and put a deposit on one of them.

Friday was a crazy-busy day for Ian. He was up early to drive Adam to work so he could borrow his car for the day. His first stop was out to the military base (in Edmonton) to print out a couple of his last records of pay from their intranet. Then he was off to Edson to clear up matters with the old van: sign it over to an auto wrecker, remove his license plate and collect items that were left in the van. He had to be back to Edmonton for a 2:00 appointment at the bank - then off to pick Adam up from work! Adam drove Ian to the car dealership where he paid the remainder on the van and it was his.

Ian and his kids returned to our place to pack up their belongings and I fed them a quick supper before they were on the road again. Destination: home. They arrived in Cold Lake around 9:30 last night. I hope Ian is able to relax and unwind from all the stress of this whirlwind of activity before he returns to work on Monday!

Ian was in a rush to get things packed and get on the road when I took this picture so it was just a quick snapshot (and they're facing the sun which is a big no-no photgraphically speaking) but regardless, it’s the one I’m choosing it for my picture of the day.


  1. What a crazy day. Glad to hear he got a replacement quickly though.

  2. I am very happy to hear that they did get a new van and all turned out well for them! What an insane day, crazy making for sure!!

  3. Wow, what a busy day! I did not know that your subjects were not supposed to be facing the sun! You learn something new everyday.

  4. The reason for that Sandy is that it makes people squint and creates very harsh, unflattering shadows. If you have to shoot in the sun it's better to turn your subject away from the sun. To expose them properly you can shoot with fill flash or open up a stop or so on your camera (if you have exposure compensation that's an easy thing).

  5. Should have mentioned though that shooting in shade is better. An overcast day is best (with the clouds acting as a diffuser for the sun). It was mostly overcast when I did the photo shoot on July 1st (not sure if you saw the pictures of Ashley, Darlene, Michael and Kristy and Cheryl that I did...I posted a bunch of them in facebook).
