Tuesday, July 28, 2009


July 25, 2009 - Day 206

Part of the reason for my kids and grandkids making the effort to all be together for this camping trip was to celebrate my 50th birthday. I don’t turn 50 until November but it’s easier for everyone to travel during summer.

It was emotionally overwhelming to come out of the tent (where I’d been putting a few things away) to see every single child and grandchild of mine, and my niece Michelle, walking the path into our campsite on Saturday night. Christine and Ian were in the lead, each carrying a black forest cake.

We played some incredibly fun camping games, ate cake and enjoyed one another’s company. I appreciate my family making the effort – it was a magical birthday celebration I will never forget!


  1. Happy early birthday! Sounds like a blast, they say 50 is the new 40, so happy 40th! ;)

  2. Whew...that's perfect Shayne! I was worried about turning the BIG 5-0 but now I don't have to worry about it so much! :-)

  3. Sounds like you all had a wonderful weekend and happy early birthday!
