Thursday, June 11, 2009

Aunt Linda's Pickles!

June 11, 2009 – Day 162

Last summer my Aunt Linda, Aunt Joan and I got together to make perogies. We made a few hundred perogies and had a whole lot of fun while we were at it! I think Linda and Joan sent me home with more than my fair share of the perogies we made that day - and Linda also gave me a jar of her homemade pickles.

Little did I know what a special treat I was in for!

Until then, the very best homemade pickles I had tasted in my life were Baba’s, and Baba died in 1981; however, I was thrilled to discover that Linda’s pickles tasted exactly the same as Baba’s had!

I have thought about Linda’s pickles often since then and finally called her last night to ask if I could buy a jar of her pickles. She said yes! Yes, I could have a jar of pickles, but she wouldn’t let me pay for them. They’ll be perfect for a barbeque Ken and I are planning to have tomorrow night.

I stopped by Linda’s tonight to pick up the pickles and she had other treats waiting in a box for me to take home as well! Included in the box was: a jar of salsa, bread and butter pickles, relish (I think it’s called chow chow) and saurkraut – all homemade! I am in pickle heaven! Thank you Linda!


  1. Do you have Baba's recipe for her pickles? Marilyn and me were just chatting about that about an hour ago! Marilyn wants to make pickles this canning season, she never ceases to amaze me that Marilyn! lol

    It's been ages, since the hospital,since I've seen Auntie Linda, wow!

  2. I have both Baba's and Linda's recipes. Having a busy evening with the boys and Kristy (shopping and cooking earlier, hockey game, bbq, visiting now and fire later if it doesn't rain) but will send them to you sometime soon. If I forget...remind me. :-)

  3. Oh that sounds awesome! You are so lucky! I don't think that I have ever tried homemade saurkraut or relish. Sometimes I really wish that I liked to cook.
