Friday, March 20, 2009


March 20, 2009 - Day 79

When was the last time you went shopping for…a toilet seat?! I had to go to the bank and the grocery store today anyway, so I zipped over to Home Depot and bought a couple new toilet seats (and furnace filters) while I was at it. I had no idea selecting a toilet seat would be a complicated decision! I thought there might be 2 or 3 to chose from but there were several, ranging in price from approximately $7.00 to approximately $60. The two I bought were about $26 each.

And I bet when Ken sees that I bought toilet seats and furnace filters, he's going to say I should have left it for him to do (and I also bet he would have bought the ones priced at $7). :-)


  1. LOL, but I bet that the $27 one's are more comfy! And why do some men feel that it is a mans job to be picking up such things as toliet seats and furnace filters, I'm not singling anyone out here, but common, we females are the ones that sit on the seats way more often then men actually do!

    Good photo and good chuckle here, thanks!

  2. I didn't actually "try" the seat before I bought it though Darlene, so I'm not sure how comfortable they will be. LOL

  3. I would have never guessed that there would be such a selection!! How can you get a $60.00 toilet seat? Is it just special material? Or just a nice design?

  4. I suppose maybe both, or maybe it makes rich people feel good to spend $60 on a toilet seat. :-)

  5. I love this photo and fondly remember my Home Depot visits. I agree that women should chose the toilet seat as we are the ones who sit on it the most. Great post, thanks for the laugh.

  6. I had no idea. Neat idea for a picture!
