Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chicken for Lunch

March 18, 2009 - Day 77

Jen and I bought lunch today and took it back to the lunchroom (in TD tower) to eat. Jen had Greek food and I had Chicken for Lunch.

Chicken for Lunch is located in Scotia Place and I’m sure it’s the most popular place downtown to have lunch on any given weekday. There is always a line up and this is a smaller line than there often is.

Amy (one of the owners and the one who dishes up the containers to go) is amazing – she remembers probably 95% of her customer’s orders. Mine is “regular, spicy everything”, which she encouraged me to try (when she learned that I like spicy food) the first time I went a few years ago. And Amy remembers, even if I don’t go for months at a time. She says, “my girl, spicy everything”. And she’s right.

The family also owns the Lingnan and they even have a weekly TV show, which I’d love to watch but I never watch TV and don’t know if we even get it since we choose not to bother with cable.


  1. Wow, that sure sounds like an amazing place! I thought when I read the title of this photo that you had chicken for lunch not that you had chicken for lunch from "Chicken for Lunch" lol. I'm going to have to try this place next time I'm downtown at lunchtime. From the sounds of it though, I'll go either before or after the rush!

  2. I haven' thought about Chicken for Lunch since I left IBM. A whole bunch of folks used to have it delivered to the downtown building every Thursday. I guess for a big order like that (often 20 people or more) they didn't mind delivering it.

    I didn't do it that often myself since the cost added up and I was trying to loose weight at the time... that being said when I did cheat and have it, it was sooooooooo good! I didn't even know they had a mall location like that. I'll have to try it again one day!

  3. That really does sound good. I really like spicy food as well, so I would like to try that one day as well. We should all get together for lunch one day and meet there!
