Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Candy Store!

August 13, 2009 – Day 225

The business tower I work in is above the Edmonton City Center West mall. I knew McBain’s Camera store was going to be coming to the mall since I went to their downtown location to check out tripods a couple months ago. They were closed and there was a sign on the door that said they would be relocating to the mall in August. August seemed so far away but there was a new sign up today to announce their arrival. I am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to photography equipment - I just wish camera equipment was as inexpensive as candy! It’s going to be hard to stay out of the store, and not spend money when I am drawn in! I’m going to have to try not to spend too much though because I’d like another professional lens - and that’s going to take some saving up.


  1. My Candy stores are electronics places like BestBuy and FutureShop.

  2. Oh oh, this could be dangerous! lol My candy store, hmmm... home depot! Now that's my kind of store!

  3. How are you going to resist? You'll have to bring your lunch everyday and not do any shopping there!

    My candy store is Canadaian Tire at Christmas time. They have the best selection!
