Monday, November 16, 2009

Snowboarding Season Begins

November 14, 2009 – Day 318

Ken was surprised and thrilled to discover online this afternoon that Rabbit Hill has made enough snow to open for the season today. By the time he found out the hill was open, it was too late for him to go out today but he went through his snowboard gear and got his things ready to go out tomorrow – his first day of snowboarding this winter.


  1. Let's hope the only snow we see for a while is the artificial kind!

  2. Wow, I wouldn't think that they could be open with this warm weather that we have been having lately.

  3. It's amazing how our world is able to accommodate snowboarders when we have no snow! I hope Ken has a good time.

    Now I'm curious, is it cold when he goes snowboarding or is it just the same as if he were walking outside temperature wise? I'm such a hick sometimes! LOL
