Monday, November 16, 2009

Bonus Room View - November

November 15, 2009 – Day 319

Even though Rabbit Hill has made enough snow for Ken to be out snowboarding today, we don’t have any snow at all in the city. He’s happy to have snow - and I’m happy to not have snow! I took this picture at 4:20 in the afternoon and it was already almost sunset.


  1. I hate how short the days get in the winter. Nice picture with the sun setting though.

  2. I'm with you on this one. I don't need to see snow in the ground until December 24th!

  3. I love this no snow. I'm glad that you took this picture Jewel, we can look back next year and remember how it was this year... does that make sense? lol

  4. Yes that makes sense Darlene. :-)
