Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fifty Years

November 21, 2009 – Day 325

I turned another year older today. I am now FIFTY years old! It’s hard for me to believe that the years go by so fast and here I am, almost old! I say almost because I don’t feel old, yet I know how old fifty is to someone in their teens, 20s or maybe even 30s. When you’re that young, it seems like you'll be young forever.

I have made mistakes along the way and I have regrets but I also have been richly blessed and have much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful husband, awesome children (including the in-law children) and grandchildren. We have a well-loved dog. I am in good health. I have a good paying secure job, and am able to work part time. I live in a house that I love. I have enough hobbies to keep me from being bored for the rest of my life. My dream of selling my graphic designs has become a reality. And hey, I don’t even have to dye my hair yet! I do have a small tuft of grey hair on each temple though and I imagine more will come in soon enough and when it gets noticeable, you can bet I will be dying it.

The real celebration for my milestone birthday was in July when my children, grandchildren, my niece Michelle, Ken and I camped in Cold Lake. Tonight was low-key; Ken and I watched a movie and ordered pizza. We were trying to figure out when the last time was that we ordered pizza and we’re sure it was over a year ago, so it was a real treat.

It was a good day and I’ll just keep on keeping on with a song in my heart and a spring in my step for as long as the good Lord sees fit.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Auntie Julie! That is an absolutely great picture of you. I honestly believe people are only as old as they feel so you are still young!
